Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement

We help people with a range of physical and mental health conditions to maintain their wellbeing and independence at home through our team of volunteer drivers who take them (and their carers) to community and some healthcare appointments.

Our Service Description

The people who use our service often have age-related mobility conditions including physical and mental health challenges. They may be lonely and isolated and have little or no family support. They will struggle to use public transport. Some have long-term conditions like Parkinson’s or dementia and some have short term health issues like recovering from an operation or fracture. They may be a carer and need to take the person they care for with them or use our service so they only leave them for a minimum of time.

By taking them out to community groups, to visit friends and family or to attend day centres or care homes it enables them to meet peers and make friends, helps them to stay active and meet others and enjoy hobbies and interests. We take people to do their shopping and accompany them round the shop if necessary, taking them home afterwards. We collect the client from their home and wait with them if necessary and then take them home later. We also help people to get to some medical appointments, (NB We are not funded for hospital appointments so we cannot prioritise them but we do fit some in if we have capacity),  taking the stress and worry out of getting there and help to keep their appointments which helps keep ‘no shows’ to a minimum making local health services more effective and efficient.

We have volunteer drivers who use their own cars to take clients to appointments. Our drivers get to know the clients and also keep a check on them by letting the office know if the client doesn’t answer the door, in case they are ill in the house. They also notify us if a client is not well or if they need adaptations to their home, or if there are any hazards.

Our services are highly valued by the people who use it as it enables and supports them to live their best life.

Volunteer Drivers Helping You