Our Constitution


Trading as Stockport Car Scheme

  1. Name

The name of the organisation shall be Stockport Care Schemes herein referred to as a Scheme.


  1. Aims

To provide practical and social support to vulnerable people because of age, infirmity or disability, also their carers, in specific areas of Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council.


  1. Objectives

3.1 To recruit, select and train suitable volunteers to provide such support.

3.2 Provide ongoing support to volunteers and pay reasonable out of pocket expenses.

3.3 Assess needs of clients and match them to appropriate volunteers.

3.4 Work closely with professional workers in the community (both from statutory and voluntary agencies) who make the majority of referrals.

3.5 Monitoring types of requests and gauge their suitability for voluntary input.

3.6 Evaluate schemes for report purposes.

3.7 Operate an Equal Opportunities Policy.

3.8 Publicise and promote schemes to raise awareness of their work, giving talks etc.

3.9 Liaise with statutory and voluntary agencies and contribute to the wider debate on caring in Stockport.


  1. Membership

This will consist of volunteers working within the schemes and other interested parties.


  1. Management

5.1 The management of the Scheme shall be invested in a Board of Trustees where their duty shall be to carry out the general policy and provide for the management, administration and control of the affairs of the organisation.

5.2 The Board of Trustees shall consist of not less than six and not more than twelve Trustees appointed for one year at the Annual General Meeting.

5.3 At its first meeting after the Annual General meeting the Board shall elect from amongst its members the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Treasurer. The duties of the secretary shall be undertaken by the Manager of the Scheme – a paid member of staff.

5.4 The Board may co-opt no more than four Trustees in any year as and when necessary.

5.5 There shall be at least four meetings of the Board each year and additional meetings may be called by the Chairman or by any three trustees of the board upon seven days clear notice being given to all other board members.

5.6 The quorum for a meeting of the Board shall be four.

5.7 Matters shall be decided by a simple majority vote of all the trustees present, the Chairman having the casting vote.

5.8 All matters not provided for in the Constitution and not involving amendment to the constitution may be dealt with by the Board.

5.9 Function of the board as per the Terms of Reference. Terms and conditions of staff are as set out in the Employment Protection Act 1978.


  1. Annual General Meeting

An Annual General Meeting shall be called with 4 weeks clear notice. The Annual Report and Accounts shall be presented and trustees elected for the ensuing year. The external auditor shall also be appointed.


  1. Finance

7.1 All monies raised by or on behalf of the Scheme shall be used to further the objectives of the Scheme and for no other purpose, provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the payments of reasonable and proper remuneration to any employees of the Scheme or the repayment to trustees or any reasonable out of pocket expenses.

7.2 The Honorary Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the Scheme.

7.3 The accounts shall be audited once a year by an auditor independent examiner appointed according to the requirements of Charity Law at the Annual General Meeting.

7.4 A bank account shall be opened in the name of Stockport Care Schemes with the Royal Bank of Scotland plc of Stockport, or with such bank as the Board shall from time to time decide. The Chairman shall authorise in writing the Treasurer, the Chairman, the Manager and one other member of staff to sign cheques on behalf of the Scheme. All cheques must be signed by two of four authorised signatories.

7.5 If wound up, the assets of the Scheme shall be disposed of to charitable purposes.


  1. Alterations to the Constitution

Any alterations to the Constitution shall receive the assent of not less than two thirds of the Board.


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